

Sandra will customize her training programs to fit a 1 -2 hours/half day or full day.

  1. BUILDING RAPPORT (I): How to “Power Up” Your Likeability Factor
  2. BUILDING RAPPORT (II): How You Can Impress Someone in the Big Leagues
  3. BEYOND GRADES & JOB: How to Get the Best ROI as an International Student
  4. HOW TO SELL YOU AT AN INTERVIEW: Creating a Powerful Personal Narrative that Gets You Hired
  5. HOW TO SELL YOUR SERVICES:  Converting Consultations into Contracts for Your Expertise
  6. NOT MADE IN AMERICA: Strategic Communications for the Foreign Born Professional
  7. MINDSET STRATEGIES: How to Bloom in Adversity from an Immigrant Perspective

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BUILDING RAPPORT (I): How to “Pump Up” Your Likeability Factor

How do you make someone new like you; especially, if that someone can hire you, provide you a referral, or will work with you?

In this very interactive and role-playing workshop, Sandra will help participants learn a step by step approach to meeting someone new and creating that critical “likeable” first impression in the U.S. culture.


Sandra will provide specific tips on mindset, preparation, and what to do and say, to build instant rapport in three common business settings:

•         at an interview;

•         during a networking event; and

•         on a job.

Participants will dissect and learn from each role playing scenario so they are more comfortable and better prepared  to walk up to someone new and connect for success.


BUILDING RAPPORT (II): How to Impress Someone in the Big Leagues

How many times have you stood close to a high level executive, an elected official, or someone who is famous and your mind was a complete blank?

You wanted to come across clever or smart to impress and connect with this important person, but you weren’t sure how.

In this very interactive and role-playing “how to” workshop designed for the advanced networker or mid career professionals, Sandra will help participants learn a step by step approach to creating that critical positive first impression when meeting someone in the “big leagues” in the United States.

Sandra will provide specific tips on mindset, preparation, and what to do and say, to build instant rapport in three business scenarios:

(1) Meeting a high level executive of your company or firm at a company’s meeting.

(2) Meeting an elected official, a famous speaker, author, or expert/authority figure at a conference.

(3) Meeting high level executives or business people at an association’s luncheon/dinner table.

Participants will dissect and learn from each role playing scenario so they are more comfortable and better prepared to form critical connections to rise higher in their career.

BEYOND GRADES & JOB: How to Get the Best ROI as an International Student

How do you get students to understand that their educational experience is more than just getting good grades, earning a diploma or getting a job?

This presentation specifically designed for orientation of 1st year International Students to help them create the right mindset and  a strategic plan so that they are more opened and pro-active in taking advantage of the resources and opportunities inside and outside of school.

Students will learn:

  1. To Define Success:  Define what constitutes a great return on their academic investment, going beyond just earning good grades or even landing a job.
  2. To Choose Success: The 3-Question Test that they can ask themselves when deciding what to do or not to do during their academic experience to increase their odds of reaching their definition of success.
  3. To Create a Success Mindset:  Discover two mental techniques to stay positive and motivated during their road to success. These techniques will help them to be more mentally prepared to face the challenges ahead as international graduate students.

HOW TO SELL YOU at an INTERVIEW: Creating a Powerful Personal Narrative that Gets You Hired

You know how good you are, but do you know how to “tell it” or “sell it?”

This workshop will teach participants how to prepare and deliver a powerful personal narrative to impress their future employers and help get them hired.  The presentation’s summary is below:

(1)   Given the rich diversity of participants, many who are foreign born, participants will be asked to examine and understand their cultural views on “selling” or “promoting” oneself and how they may need to change their mindset to be successful in the U.S. business culture.

(2)   Participants will learn about the trend of “behavioral” interviewing and Sandra’s YOUFit System to answering questions, focusing on the candidate’s fitness in “fitting” with the skills and competencies of the position he/she is seeking.

(3)    Participants will learn the four parts of crafting an effective and authentic personal narrative to highlight a core competency skill required for the job.

(4)   With a focus on presentation skills, participants will practice, deliver and tweak their personal narratives in role playing activities.

HOW TO SELL YOUR SERVICES: Converting Consultations into Contracts for Your Expertise

Are you a coach, attorney, CPA, or a consultant who provides a service that requires a one on one consultation with your prospective client?  Do you want more prospective clients to say “Yes, I want to hire you” without being “salesy” or pushy?  Filled with specific practical strategies to implement immediately, this presentation will help you get from struggling to sign on clients to having effective consultations that end with “You’re hired!”

What you will learn:

  • Pre-consultation strategies and warm-ups.
  • The importance and use of perspective thinking to understand the “buying culture” of your prospective client.
  • 3 specific strategies to develop trust and connection.
  • When and how to present your value and pricing to get hired.

NOT MADE IN AMERICA: Communications Strategies for the Foreign Born Professional

This presentation emphasizes learning a key ingredient for success to all foreign born studying or interning here in the U.S. culture: the ability to connect face to face and one on one with others regardless of ethnic, language or cultural differences.  Participants will learn the techniques and art of “small talk” speaking skills to connect with other students/interns, co-workers, or just someone “new” for personal and professional success.

What you will learn:

  • The importance of conversational skills for your success.
  • Three parts of the conversational process and the development of trust
  • The “must know” conversational techniques and how to apply them in the U.S. culture.
  • The 3 tips to connect when English is not your primary language.

MINDSET STRATEGIES: How to Bloom in Adversity (from an Immigrant Perspective)

When you are confronted with life challenges, have you ever had any of these thoughts? “I am at a disadvantage.”  “I have to work twice as a hard as others to succeed.”  “Life is just not fair.”

Let Sandra Vu Le, Esq., share with you the lessons learned as a refugee from Viet Nam to the United States.

Based on strategies in her forthcoming book, BLOOM: How to Survive And Thrive in the U.S., Sandra will teach you specific mindset tools and strategies to combat your negative mindset, to preserve, and to see your adversity as an opportunity for growth.

This interactive session will be packed with stories, strategies, and exercises that will empower, motivate and inspire you to see and live your possibilities.

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